Modified A Feature, Butler Motor Speedway, 6-18-2016

Modified A Feature, Butler Motor Speedway, 6-18-2016

Welcome to our new web home.

This is the new home on the web for After a few months of other projects taking up all my time, we have finally gotten the website back up and running. This will be the hub for all things SR related, from shocks to new stuff at PRO Designs Plus. Stay tuned for the […]

UMP Modifieds, Heat Race 1, Butler Motor Speedway 5-28-2016

UMP Modifieds, Heat Race 1, Butler Motor Speedway 5-28-2016 More heat race action from Butler Motor Speedway in Quincy Michigan. VanGuilder, Lomaugh, Swan, Bevard, Davison, Tarlton, VanEvey

Mid/Late-Summer Update

It’s more than half way through 2015. It’s been a good year, but there is much more work to do. I know we haven’t posted much on social media or our website lately and there are reasons for that(not in any real order)…. Lots of Projects: 1. We have been working behind the scenes with […]

UMP Mods, Heat Race#2, Butler Motor Speedway, 5-28-2016

UMP Mods, Heat Race#2, Butler Motor Speedway, 5-28-2016 Heat Race #2, from Butler Motor Speedway. 5-28-2016 Beezzely, Langdon, McFeters, Patrick, Means and a few others. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel here.